Minimum date

The “Minimum date” functionality in the InputWP plugin empowers you to set a minimum date that users can select within the date picker. This ensures that only dates equal to or beyond the specified minimum date are available for selection.

How to use

  1. Accessing the Feature:
    • Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
    • Navigate to “InputWP” in the left-hand menu.
    • Click on “All Events.”
    • Locate the event for which you want to set a minimum date.
    • Click on “View Details” under the “Date picker” section of the event.
  2. Setting the Minimum Date: On the event details page, within the “Date picker” section, you will find an input field labeled “Minimum date” In this field, you can set the minimum date for selection.
    • European Day-Month-Year Format: You can use the day-month-year format (e.g., “01-12-2023”) to specify the minimum date. Any dates prior to this specified minimum date will be disabled.
    • strtotime Compatible String: Alternatively, you can input an English string that is accepted by the PHP strtotime function (e.g., “+5 days”). This provides flexibility in setting a dynamic minimum date based on relative time.
    • Leave Empty for No Limit: If you want to allow users to select any date without restrictions, you can leave the “Minimum Date” field empty.
  3. Saving Changes: After setting the minimum date as desired, click on the “Update” button to save the changes you’ve made, including the minimum date configuration.

Benefits of Setting a Minimum Date

  • Focused Event Selection: By specifying a minimum date, you guide users to select dates that are relevant to your event, promoting focused and accurate scheduling.
  • Preventing Past Dates: Setting a minimum date helps prevent the selection of past dates, ensuring that only future or current dates can be chosen.

Using the “Minimum date” feature, you can customize the date picker to offer a more controlled and effective event selection experience.

If you have more questions, use the public forum (for the Basic plugin), or submit your support ticket (for PRO users).