Disable week days

The “Disable week days” functionality in the InputWP plugin enables you to prevent the selection of specific days of the week within the date picker. This feature can be handy when certain weekdays are not available for scheduling events.

How to use

  1. Accessing the Feature:
    • Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
    • Navigate to “InputWP” in the left-hand menu.
    • Click on “All Events.”
    • Locate the event for which you want to disable week days.
    • Click on “View Details” under the “Date picker” section of the event.
  2. Disabling Week Days: On the event details page, within the “Date picker” section, you will find checkboxes corresponding to each day of the week (Sunday through Saturday). You can select one or more checkboxes to indicate which days should be disabled.
  3. Saving Changes: After selecting the desired weekdays to disable, click on the “Update” button to save the changes you’ve made, including the disabled week days.

Advantages of Disabling Week Days

  • Enhanced Scheduling Control: By disabling specific week days, you can better manage your event scheduling and ensure that events are only scheduled on suitable days.
  • Consistency: Consistently disabling certain weekdays helps users understand which days are not available for event selection, enhancing clarity and reducing errors.

Using the “Disable week days” feature, you can tailor the date picker to accurately reflect the availability of days for scheduling events.

If you have more questions, use the public forum (for the Basic plugin), or submit your support ticket (for PRO users).